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Summer Programs at Alfred University

Each year Alfred University welcomes K-12 grade school students from all over the country to their campus to participate in exciting academic and sports co-ed day-long and overnight summer camps. These programs provide young people with opportunities to learn more about their fields of interest, to sample life on a college campus and to meet other students with similar interests and academic ability.

University of Dallas Pre-College Summer Programs

The summer programs for middle and high school students reflect the educational philosophy and disciplines of the university and offer enrichment in great texts, music, art, and mathematical inquiry. High school participants may also choose from study abroad options in Rome. While some programs offer college credit, all programs help prepare students for college, led by experienced university faculty.  

University of Dallas High School Summer Programs

University of Dallas summer programs for high school students let students get in on the action early. Students can travel through Italy studying Shakespeare, Latin or Catholic tradition. Hone their artistic talents. Explore great works of literature and philosophy. Programs prepare students for college while learning, having fun and making new friends. Some programs even offer college credit.

USC Summer Programs

USC Summer Programs extends a tradition of excellence to outstanding high school students through unique 4 and 2 week summer courses. Accepted students to the USC Summer Programs will balance academic and campus life as they prepare for college in the nation’s entertainment center – Los Angeles, California. USC Summer Programs’ courses are taught by USC faculty and experienced professionals of the USC academic community. Summer Programs’ faculty create an engaging academic experience by combining lectures, hands-on workshops and labs, guest speakers, and academic field trips to locations throughout Los Angeles. Each course is designed to be more interactive, engaging, and challenging than accelerated high school classes or the broad introductory courses offered by other summer pre-collegiate programs.

Penn Summer High School Programs

University of Pennsylvania delivers the challenge of an Ivy League curriculum to academically talented high school students seeking a pre-collegiate experience. They offer a summer prep program, summer academies focusing on intensive research and application, a pre-college program, and a young scholars program.

Michigan Technological University: Summer Youth Programs

Each summer, SYP offers more than 50 camps/explorations that allow participants to discover and learn about various fields through hands-on laboratory, classroom, and field experiences. There are both middle and high school programs and are held at Michigan Technological University.

Xanadu Summer Programs

Xanadu Computer App Development Summer Program is a highly competitive and selective academic computing program for rising 10<sup>th</sup>-12<sup>th</sup> graders with an interest in pursuing a degree in computer science after graduation. The program is hosted at Maynard Jackson High School in Atlanta, Georgia.

Summer Programs at Ole Miss

The Office of Pre-College Programs offers programs, events, and competitions that have been designed to challenge talented K-12 students to experience academic rigor and success at levels above what is expected of their age group. The variety of programs and activities in our office encourage students to strengthen skills and to grow academically and personally, providing them the necessary tools to bridge the gap between levels and to help them succeed in their next academic level.

Northwestern Center for Talent Development Summer Programs

Life-changing residential and commuter programs providing challenging enrichment, honors and Advanced Placement courses taught in a highly supportive environment. From early childhood through elementary, middle and high school, Center for Talent Development (CTD) gifted summer programs encourage gifted kids to explore academic areas of interest and connect with a community of peers.

CTD Summer Programs at Northwestern University

From early childhood through elementary, middle and high school, Center for Talent Development (CTD) gifted summer programs encourage gifted kids to explore academic areas of interest and connect with a community of peers. CTD offers life-changing residential, online and commuter programs providing challenging enrichment, honors and Advanced Placement courses taught in a highly supportive environment.

IEA Emergency Fund

The Institute for Educational Advancement has established a dedicated Emergency Fund to support families and staff affected by the recent [insert emergency here]. Please consider donating via the link below. We appreciate your support for the IEA Community at this time. 

A Message to our community

We are deeply heartbroken by the devastating fires impacting so many friends, families, and staff in Southern California. The health and safety of our community remain our top priority.

While our offices are outside of the evacuation zone, staff will be working remotely through Wednesday, January 15 as we continue to monitor the situation. We are staying in touch with staff and families affected by these fires.

We sincerely appreciate your support during this challenging time. If you need to reach us, please email us at IEAGifted@educationaladvancement.org.

Thank you for your understanding and care. We’ll provide additional updates soon.

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