
Podcasts about Giftedness

Institute for Educational Advancement - Connecting bright minds; nurturing intellectual and personal growth

IEA lists podcasts geared towards gifted learners to assist parents and educators in supporting these bright young minds

Top 10 Resources for Parents of Gifted Children

Institute for Educational Advancement - Connecting bright minds; nurturing intellectual and personal growth

Are you having trouble finding the ideal resources for your gifted child? Our Gifted Resource Center (GRC), a free public tool created and curated by IEA, currently has over 650 carefully-vetted resources sorted into six categories: Advocacy, Articles and Media, Gifted Programs and Services, Scholarships and Competitions, Schools and Twice-Exceptional (2E)

A New Theory of Human Intelligence

Institute for Educational Advancement - Connecting bright minds; nurturing intellectual and personal growth

Watch “A New Theory of Human Intelligence,” an inspirational TEDx Talk about the human intelligence by Scott Barry Kaufman, a researcher at the University of Pennsylvania