IEA is honored to have the following officers and board members helping to ensure that gifted and talented children have the tools and resources they need to lead purposeful, meaningful lives.


Sophia Bernazzani Barron
Director of Marketing, Owl Labs; IEA Alum

Hap Deneen

Michael W. Grebe
Former President/CEO, The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation

Jeffrey Hudson
Director of Operations – CA, Celtic Engineering, Inc.

Elizabeth D. Jones
President Emeritus & Co-Founder, Senior Advisor, Institute for Educational Advancement

Byron Lichtenstein
Managing Director, Insight Partners; IEA Alum

Deborah K. Monroe
President, Institute for Educational Advancement

Chris Newman
Chief Financial Officer, Collective Health

Dan Priest
Chief AI Officer, PwC, US

Robert Reppa
President, Robert Reppa Consulting, LLC

Charles Shannon
Venture Capitalist, Founders Circle Capital

Jonathan Shintaku
Strategic Consultant

Advisory Board

James W. Davis
Co-Founder, Institute for Educational Advancement

Mark Sixma