Top 10 Blog Posts of 2016

December 27, 2016

Here were the Institute for Educational Advancement’s top blog posts in 2016:

25 Movies About Gifted Kids

25 of Our Favorite Gifted Kid Movies
Our social media community and the IEA staff weighed in on their favorite movies featuring gifted children and young adults.

Podcasts for Gifted LearnersPodcasts for Gifted Learners
Gifted children love to learn and explore new things. This list of podcasts for gifted learners provides some informational and fun resources for curious minds.

The Bright Side of Overexcitabilites in Gifted Childrenbright-side-of-oes-twitter
Because overexcitabilities are often talked about as though they are problems to solve, we wanted to highlight some of the more delightful elements of overexcitabilities in gifted children and adults.

Diversity and Gifted ChildrenDiversity and Gifted Children: Are We Doing Enough?
There is a need for new strategies in identifying gifted students of diverse cultural, linguistic, and socioeconomic backgrounds to ensure that we are meeting the needs of all gifted children.

misunderstood gifted studentsDisrespectful of Misunderstood: Gifted Students in the Classroom
Guest blogger Lisa Hartwig, mother gifted children, explores if disrespectful behavior is the result of misunderstood gifted students.

Gilmore GirlsGilmore Girls and Two Faces of Giftedness
What can Gilmore Girls teach us about the different ways giftedness manifests in adolescents? An IEA staffer and long-time Gilmore fan explores.

Mindfulness and the gifted childMindfulness and the Gifted
IEA parent and Academy instructor Linnea Pyne discussed Mindfulness as a tool used to address a variety of the needs of gifted children.

Gifted Quirks TwitterQuirks of the Gifted Brain
The gifted brain is a unique place. We examine some common brain quirks of the gifted and how we can help address them to better serve gifted children.

Developing Study Habits and the Gifted StudentGirl-writing
Because so many things come naturally to the gifted child, highly able students often do not learn how to study until it is too late. Mark provides some tips for helping gifted students develop study habits.

2016 Caroline D. Bradley ScholarsCaroline D. Bradley
This year, IEA welcomed 30 new Caroline D. Bradley Scholars to our community. Scholars were chosen from a pool of hundreds of applicants and 49 finalists.

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IEA Emergency Fund

The Institute for Educational Advancement has established a dedicated Emergency Fund to support families and staff affected by the recent [insert emergency here]. Please consider donating via the link below. We appreciate your support for the IEA Community at this time. 

A Message to our community

We are deeply heartbroken by the devastating fires impacting so many friends, families, and staff in Southern California. The health and safety of our community remain our top priority.

While our offices are outside of the evacuation zone, staff will be working remotely through Wednesday, January 15 as we continue to monitor the situation. We are staying in touch with staff and families affected by these fires.

We sincerely appreciate your support during this challenging time. If you need to reach us, please email us at

Thank you for your understanding and care. We’ll provide additional updates soon.

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