Just Released: America Agrees: Public Attitudes Towards Gifted Education

The Institute for Educational Advancement is excited to announce the release of the full results of IEA’s poll of voters about gifted learners
Top 10 Resources for Parents of Gifted Children

Are you having trouble finding the ideal resources for your gifted child? Our Gifted Resource Center (GRC), a free public tool created and curated by IEA, currently has over 650 carefully-vetted resources sorted into six categories: Advocacy, Articles and Media, Gifted Programs and Services, Scholarships and Competitions, Schools and Twice-Exceptional (2E)
Time-Tested and Kid-Approved: IEA Turns 20
The Institute for Educational Advancement kicks off 20th year of supporting gifted youth
DIY Parent Advocacy

IEA’s Program Coordinator, Qiao Li, relays the similarities between running a program and an effective PTA
Advocating for Your Gifted Child
IEA understands that advocating for your child requires research, preparation, and tenacity. Here are some suggestions
Advocacy and the Gifted Teenager
Providing safe and nurturing learning environments is often difficult when educational spaces that are not aware of the needs of gifted youngsters
Small Steps

We are all here to make a difference