
The Process of Invention

Happy National Inventors Month! Check out examples of our own IEA Academy student inventors’ projects and how they each illustrate a different aspect of the inventing process

More Than Just A Workshop

IEA students, Cassidy Kao and Luke Gialanella, host student-led workshops about poetry and the presidential election process

Fall 2017 Academy Student Spotlight

Read on to learn about what IEA Academy kids are working on and how the ways our community of learners is sharing their spirit, talent and creative interests with those around them

Thank You, Teachers!

Thank you, Mattie Whyte Woodridge, for being the pioneer of Teacher Appreciation Day

Building Bridges

Of all the meanings and usage of the word “bridge,” my favorite has to be “a time, place, or means of connection or transition”


What is the difference between questions that truly engage and questions that shut things down?

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