Guest Blog: Cleo Person, Yunasa Counselor & Former Camper

IEA’s Yunasa Summer Camp brings people in from all over the country
Yunasa and Yunasa West 2021
Campers reconnect at Yunasa 2021 despite shelter-at-home period
Stopping by Woods on a [Sunny] Evening
Oh, to be a Yunasa camper! And to stop by woods – lovely, [light] and deep – for a week on end
7 Milestones Made Possible by You!
Look at what an impact your gift to the IEA made in these 7 milestones for 2015!
The Many Faces of Gifted: Matthew B.
My experiences at IEA helped me realize how much I enjoy learning at an advanced level in a group setting
June 2015 in the IEA Community
Take a look at what took place within the IEA community in June!
Yunasa West 2012!
What were your kids’ favorite parts of Yunasa West?