Citizen Science: Remaining Engaged This Summer

Websites and apps such as iNaturalist, eBird, and Zooniverse provide various science projects to keep the community engaged in scientific research
On Mother’s Day, Give Yourself The Gift of Self-Care!

Happy Mother’s Day! Here are some tips for self-care and attending to your gifted child
IEA Alumni Spotlight – Valerie Ding

IEA highlights program alumni who reflects on their Computer Science degree and their time during the CDB scholarship
How the Caroline D. Bradley Scholarship Changed My Life

CDB Scholar, Esther An, relays about IEA’s Caroline D. Bradley Scholarship changed her life
Reflections on EXPLORE

EXPLORE Extern, Mark Blekherman, recounts his detailed research on the origin and development of IEA
Time-Tested and Kid-Approved: IEA Turns 20
The Institute for Educational Advancement kicks off 20th year of supporting gifted youth
10 Reasons Your Child Should Participate in Academy
Looking for ways to keep your gifted child active and engaged this summer? We’ve got the answer for you: IEA Academy
Finding and Cultivating Your Voice
In a culture that has become image-obsessed, finding our real voices, understanding who we are and what we have to offer unto the world is essential
Gifted Community
What kind of community do you envision for gifted children and all children?
Giving Thanks for the Whiners and the Braggarts and the Smug
Where do you find community as the parent of a gifted child?