Oh, Captain, My Captain! To Teach is Human; To Inspire is Divine
It’s Teacher Appreciation Week! IEA Program Manager Hillary Jade shares her thoughts on why teachers should be appreciated, revered and supported
Ferreting Out Problem-Based Curriculum: An Interview with Shelagh Gallagher
An interview with IEA’s Yunasa Fellow Shelagh Gallagher and her perspective on problem-based learning (PBL) curricula, her work with IEA, and boccone dolche
Things We’re Excited About in 2019
Here is what IEA is excited about for 2019!
To Strive, to Seek, to Find, and Not to Yield: Greeting the New School Year with Confidence
Here are some tips on greeting the new school year with confidence, meeting new people and keeping yourself grounded
Leonardo da Vinci: Restless Renaissance Rebel
IEA shares facts about Leonardo da Vinci in anticipation for Genuis Day X: Da Vinci, an upcoming fall Academy class
Stopping by Woods on a [Sunny] Evening
Oh, to be a Yunasa camper! And to stop by woods – lovely, [light] and deep – for a week on end
Still Considering Summer Academy? Consider No Further – Apply Today!
Here are 10 things IEA’s Summer Academy program provides that makes it stand out from the rest
Great Gains Through Gratitude: 7 Creative Ways Gifted Students Can Understand, Show, and Embrace Appreciation
How to break down the science of happiness and gratitude to gifted kids
Sun, Scholars, and Self-Confidence: The Power of Summer Programming for Gifted Students

This summer, IEA is excited to engage students in meaningful, rigorous learning outside of the confines of a traditional classroom with its summer programming