A Supportive Mother for a Gifted Kid
Thank you to all of the moms who support their gifted children while protecting them from slipping through the cracks
Preparing for a Career that Doesn’t Exist Yet
What skills do you think are most important in preparing for a variety of careers?
Using Twitter as a Resource on Your Gifted Child
How have you used Twitter as a resource on giftedness?
Using Facebook as a Resource for Your Gifted Child
How has using Facebook as a resource on giftedness helped you?
5 Definitions of Giftedness

It’s more effective to specify your children’s abilities so it’s easier to understand their needs
Former Industrial Design Apprentices Soar in Ford Competition

Does the Apprenticeship experience sound like an experience someone you know would like?
Considering Summer Camps and Programs for Your Gifted Child
Have any more tips for finding summer camps and programs for your child?