
Ready, Set, EXPLORE!

IEA’s EXPLORE program is in full swing! This year, the selection and placement process was especially competitive as students vied for a chance to work with distinguished mentors and sites willing to host only a selected number of students

Girl Power: Books with Gifted Heroines

For gifted readers, finding a book that sparks their interests and contains a character they can relate to is part of the delightful experience of starting a new adventure

EXPLORE 2016 Recap

This summer, IEA introduced its reimagined mentorship program, EXPLORE, for high school students

Mentoring Matters

If we are lucky enough, we stumble upon a handful of individuals who nurture our skills and talents, challenge us to achieve our full potential and provide us with guidance through life’s obstacles

Bored? Make Something!

Institute for Educational Advancement - Connecting bright minds; nurturing intellectual and personal growth

This past November, I had the opportunity to attend NAGC’s Annual Convention in Phoenix, Arizona

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