Grit and Giftedness: Four Ways to Encourage Perseverance in Gifted Children

Here are four ways to have grit in a world where technological advances, while undeniably positives, have caused expectation of instant gratification
What My Mentor Taught Me, Part 1
EXPLORE Alumnus, Jocelyn Shen, recalls her experience with IEA’s EXPLORE Program for high school students to work with mentors for 3-6 week externships
Perfectionism and Ways to Manage It

Here are some tips to overcome perfectionism, a trait that gifted children are prone to struggle with
How to Talk to Your Child’s Teacher

IEA’s admin assistant, Anvi Kevany, provides suggestions on how to have a successful meeting with your gifted child’s teacher
Oops! Maybe I Shouldn’t Have Said That!
As parents, each of us has the unique opportunity to be embarrassed by something we said to our children. The best solution is to apologize to your kid and blame it on your advancing age
Overthinking: When Your Mind Won’t Turn Off
As a chronic overthinker, I wanted to explore the reasons behind overthinking, how it can hurt and what we can do to rein it in
My Smart Kid Is So Emotional–Am I A Parenting Failure?
Your child is emotional. Anxious. Melting down. Gifted. And so are you.
Intense Kids, Intense Parents — Tips for Managing the Mayhem
How do you manage your emotions and your sensitivities while raising your super intense super smart children? How do you raise your children without unconsciously repeating the patterns set down by your own parents?
Blind Drawings, Humility and Perspective
I find that when I spend a little bit of time looking at something carefully, it helps me see everything else a little bit differently. Blind drawings are one of my favorite ways to practice this
Two Ways to Empower Empathetic Children During Post-Election Season
There will always be suffering, and sometimes empathy feels like a weight or a swirling sensation in the gut. We must never stop doing good. When our leaders disappoint us, we must never stop speaking up