
Happy Leap Day!

What other connections could be made about Leap Day / Leap Year?

Non-Profit Technology Conference: A Review

Institute for Educational Advancement - Connecting bright minds; nurturing intellectual and personal growth

IEA’s Director of Operations, Zadra Rose Ibañez, attends pilot program Alchemy Tech that is dedicated to focusing on the technology capacity building for nonprofits in LA County

The Cult of Personality

Institute for Educational Advancement - Connecting bright minds; nurturing intellectual and personal growth

IEA’s Director of Operations, Zadra Rose Ibanez, discusses how perception of others and ourselves can be frustrating

What Happens When You Fail?

As we attempt new challenges, we are faced with opportunities for growth, and change, but with those opportunities comes the risk of failure

Résumé Writing 101

by Zadra Rose Ibañez, Director of Operations As the head of the HR department, I am usually one of the first gatekeepers in receiving applications for employment. At IEA, because […]

Us and Them

by Zadra Rose Ibañez, Director of Operations With elections right around the corner, and the MLB Playoffs in action, I have been thinking about a topic which often intrigues me: […]

Surviving a Road Trip

by Zadra Rose Ibañez, Director of Operations While on a recent road trip, I explored ways to pass the time and make the journey more pleasurable. Eat Well Pack a […]