Top 3 Online Educational Resources for Gifted Kids
What’s your child’s favorite online resource?
Yunasa West 2013!
What is your child’s favorite memory from Yunasa West?
The Many Faces of Gifted: Hazem
Meet Hazem Zureigat, a 2001 Apprentice, who hopes to “improve the quality of life for the people of Jordan and the Arab world.”
Spring 2013 Academy Highlights!
Spring Academy student attendance was at its fullest, which included ten new students from local public and private schools
Liberal Arts vs. Research Universities for Science Students
What has your experience been with science programs at liberal arts or research universities?
My Child is Gifted. Now What?
Be patient and be flexible
Gifted Children at Home and in the Classroom
Gifted children socializing with like-minded peers helps them understand that they are not alone
The Many Faces of Gifted: Valerie
Valerie Dings reflects on the invigorating experience of meeting fellow CDB scholars
Summer Programs and Intensities
What factors do you consider when selecting a summer program for your gifted child?
2013 Bradley Seminar: Know Thyself
Reach out and support a bright young mind. Teach them to think. Help them embrace who they are and all that is possible