Christine Fonseca

Christine Fonseca

Christine Fonseca is a licensed educational psychologist, critically acclaimed author, and a nationally recognized speaker on topics related to educational psychology, mental health, giftedness, and using storytelling to heal past wounds. As a trauma-impacted survivor, Christine believes in the power of storytelling as a key to healing past wounds. Christine’s critically acclaimed titles include Emotional Intensity in Gifted Students, The Caring Child, Letting Go: A Girl’s Guide to Breaking Free of Stress and Anxiety, and the action-packed Young Adult series, the Solomon Experiments.







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A Message to our community

We are deeply heartbroken by the devastating fires impacting so many friends, families, and staff in Southern California. The health and safety of our community remain our top priority.

While our offices are outside of the evacuation zone, staff will be working remotely through Wednesday, January 15 as we continue to monitor the situation. We are staying in touch with staff and families affected by these fires.

We sincerely appreciate your support during this challenging time. If you need to reach us, please email us at IEAGifted@educationaladvancement.org.

Thank you for your understanding and care. We’ll provide additional updates soon.