Critical Issues and Practices in Gifted Education: A Survey of Current Research on Giftedness and Talent Development 3rd Edition

Critical Issues and Practices in Gifted Education: A Survey of Current Research on Giftedness and Talent Development 3rd Edition

Critical Issues and Practices in Gifted Education is the definitive reference for a summary and evaluation of the literature on giftedness, gifted education, and talent development. This third edition:

  • Presents more than 40 summaries of important topics in the field.
  • Features updates to all topics.
  • Introduces new topics, including neuroscience and the roles of leaders in the field.
  • Dives into the latest research.
  • Explores how the research applies to gifted education and the lives of gifted learners.
  • This book also provides an objective assessment of the available knowledge on each topic, offers guidance in the application of the research, and suggests areas of needed research.





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