Parent Advocacy for Culturally Diverse Gifted Students

Parent Advocacy for Culturally Diverse Gifted Students

To hold gifted programs accountable for promoting excellence and equity in terms of program policies and services should be a key goal of parent advocacy for culturally diverse gifted students. Further, to reverse underrepresentation among culturally diverse students in gifted education, the role of parents as advocates is critical. A Gifted Program Advocacy Model is presented to provide a foundation for understanding the advocacy process, as well as an Advocate’s Guide for Assessment of Equity in Gifted Programs. To assist parents in the beginning stages of an advocacy process, barriers for culturally diverse gifted students are discussed, and recommendations are presented to parents to help them understand and use core attributes of giftedness in the advocacy process. As parents understand advocacy efforts around issues of gifted program equity, they are better prepared to develop a plan and take action that serves the needs of their culturally diverse students.






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