The Truth About College Admission: A Family Guide to Getting in and Staying Together by Brennan Barnard and Rick Clark

The Truth About College Admission: A Family Guide to Getting in and Staying Together by Brennan Barnard and Rick Clark

A high school counselor and a college admission director help families on the path to a positive college search and admission experience. The Truth about College Admission is the easy-to-follow, comprehensive, go-to guide for families. The expert authors―with inside knowledge from both the high school and university sides of the experience―provide critical advice, thoughtful strategies, helpful direction, and invaluable reassurance during the long and often bewildering college admission journey. From searching for colleges and creating a list of favorites to crafting an application, learning what schools are looking for academically and outside the classroom, and getting insight into how colleges decide who to accept, this book covers every important step.






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