Summer 2025 schedule and application now available!

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IEA Academy is excited to offer a robust schedule of both in-person and online courses for the Summer 2025 session.
In-person classes will take place daily Monday through Friday for 90-minute meetings at our Learning Center in Pasadena. If your child is taking back-to-back courses the breaktime between classes will be supervised by Academy staff.
Online classes will be held daily Monday through Friday for 60 minute lessons in live online sessions.
IEA is committed to providing the best possible Academy program for your family. All courses will offer hands-on learning and high-level content that fit with IEA’s mission to serve the whole gifted child. In an effort to provide compelling classes, we are committed to maintaining small and intimate classes sizes for both in-person and online courses.
Tuition assistance is available for families in need.


Session 1: June 16-27
Session 2: July 7-18
Session 3: July 28-August 8
Early Bird Application Deadline: Monday, April 21, 2025
Final Application Deadline: Monday, May 19, 2025
Tuition Assistance Deadline: Monday, May 19, 2025

Financial aid is awarded on a first-come-first-served basis to qualified applicants.

Institute for Educational Advancement - Connecting bright minds; nurturing intellectual and personal growth

Accrediting Commission for Schools, Western Association of Schools and Colleges
533 Airport Blvd., Suite 200
Burlingame, CA 94010



Click a course block for details!


Showing All
Instructor: Adela Lara
Instructor: Alex Romero
Instructor: Blanca Lopez-Gonzalez
Instructor: Cindy Andrade
Instructor: Joan Horvath and Rich Cameron
Instructor: Kathleen Caine
Instructor: Kristin Petherbridge
Instructor: Patrick McGrail
Instructor: Richard Krejcir
Instructor: Sareh Karimilangi
Instructor: Summer Ebs
Instructor: Tessa Lamb
Instructor: Thomas Zenteno
9 am
10 am
11 am
12 pm
1 pm
2 pm
3 pm
4 pm
5 pm
Ages 6-8
Ages 6-8
Biology of Me
9:00 am – 10:30 am
9:00 am – 10:30 am
In Person
Ages 6-8
Kristin Petherbridge

Course Description:
The human body can do amazing things! How does it taste and digest food, observe the world, breathe air, and pump blood? In this class, students will interactively learn about the systems of the human body and gain a deep functional knowledge of how different organs work together. Through hands-on projects and lab activities, students will better understand how the various human body systems work both independently and together.

MATERIALS REQUIRED: A $25 materials fee is required.

Balloon Force! Newton's Laws of Motion
11:00 am – 12:30 pm
11:00 am – 12:30 pm
In Person
Ages 6-8
Blanca Lopez-Gonzalez

Course Description:
Up, up, and away we go! This course will explore how balloons can be used to power a vehicle, absorb chemicals, or propel a hovercraft. Students will experiment with physics, chemistry, aerodynamics, and more using ordinary balloons.

MATERIALS REQUIRED: A $25 materials fee is required.

Creative Engineering
1:00 pm – 2:30 pm
1:00 pm – 2:30 pm
In Person
Ages 6-8
Kathleen Caine

Course Description:
Time to rise to the challenge! Each week students will work within the given criteria and constraints to tackle a new engineering project. From wrecking balls to zip lines, students will be tasked with applying scientific concepts to create their unique contraptions. Some weeks the challenge will be more functional in nature and others will have aesthetic requirements. In either case, students work through the design process (Explore –> Plan –> Create –> Test –> Refine) to solve the challenge. Materials range from recycled materials to standard craft materials and occasionally fine art supplies.

MATERIALS REQUIRED: A $25 materials fee is required.

Coast to Coast: Exploring the United States
3:00 pm – 4:30 pm
3:00 pm – 4:30 pm
In Person
Ages 6-8
Summer Ebs

Course Description:
From sea to shining sea, the United States covers a vast and varied amount of land. This course will take students on a journey through the fifty united states, learning what makes each place unique. Students will look at geographical, historical, social, and just plain weird features of the melting pot that we call home. Let’s hit the road!

Ages 8-10
Ages 8-10
Full STEAM Ahead!
9:00 am – 10:30 am
9:00 am – 10:30 am
In Person
Ages 8-10
Blanca Lopez-Gonzalez

Course Description:
Calling all engineers, inventors, and builders! Get ready to take on exciting challenges that will put your innovation skills to the test. This course will present students with tasks that combines science, technology, engineering, art, and math, then they’ll work to creatively accomplish the feats while following the guidelines. These challenges support both independence and teamwork skills while strengthening engineering intuition and hands-on building techniques.

MATERIALS REQUIRED: A $25 materials fee is required.

11:00 am – 12:30 pm
11:00 am – 12:30 pm
In Person
Ages 8-10
Summer Ebs

Course Description:
Is a goldfish’s memory really only 3 seconds? Does tomato juice get out skunk smell? Can you get sucked into quicksand? This course explores these popular myths and more using the scientific method and classroom experiments. The students will learn if these myths are true, and, if not, where the idea may have come from. Students will design their own experiments to help prove or disprove the myths and to see if they can come up with their own solutions to these problems. “Remember kids, the only difference between screwing around and science is writing it down.”

MATERIALS REQUIRED: A $20 materials fee is required.

MakeBot Challenges
1:00 pm – 2:30 pm
1:00 pm – 2:30 pm
In Person
Ages 8-10
Blanca Lopez-Gonzalez

Course Description:
In this course, students will build their own MakeBot robot and then tackle advanced robot challenges! They will learn engineering and coding methods while testing and building designs using multi-port Hub motors and actuators. In each class, students will learn a new coding sequence, from programming light sensors to object avoidance, and then take on a challenge that incorporates these skills. Will your robot succeed? Let’s find out!

MATERIALS REQUIRED: A $100 materials fee is required. The materials fee for this class covers the cost of the MakeBot robot kit. Students will be able to take home their completed robot at the end of the course.

The Power of Advertising
3:00 pm – 4:30 pm
3:00 pm – 4:30 pm
In Person
Ages 8-10
Adela Lara

Course Description:
Whether it’s the Geico Gecko selling insurance, or Tony the Tiger letting us know that Frosted Flakes are “grrrrrrrrrrrrr-ate!,” advertising has a huge impact on our brains. Can you hear me now? This class is a mini-consumer education course, designed to inform kids of the tricks and psychological methods that are used in advertising. Got Milk? In this course we will trace the history of advertising, study different forms of advertising, and especially examine television and video game ads. Just do it! Students will get to design their own print ads and make their own one-minute commercials to sell a product that they have invented. I’m lovin’ it!

Ages 9-12
Ages 9-12
Riddles, Puzzles, and Paradoxes
9:00 am – 10:30 am
9:00 am – 10:30 am
In Person
Ages 9-12
Patrick McGrail

Course Description:
From the Monty Hall Problem to the Missing Dollar Riddle, we all love a head-scratching riddle. But what makes these riddles so interesting, and how can they be explained using math and logic? This course will examine different puzzles and paradoxes and help explain them from a concrete mathematical viewpoint. Using principles learned in the course, the students will also be able to try and think of their own riddles and paradoxes to amaze (and confuse!) their friends.

The Art of Histology
11:00 am – 12:30 pm
11:00 am – 12:30 pm
In Person
Ages 9-12
Kristin Petherbridge

Course Description:
Let’s explore the wonderful world of histology by studying cells and tissues under the microscope! In this class, students will use microscopes to explore various tissues and cells at the microscopic level and discuss their elegant structures and functions. Students will create colorful, detailed sketches of what they view under the microscope – their own unique artistic representation of the cells and tissues that we study. At the end of the session, students will have created their own colorful histology guidebook.

MATERIALS REQUIRED: A $25 materials fee is required.

Please note: This is a laboratory science class during which closed toed shoes should be worn.

LEGO Mindstorm Robotics
1:00 pm – 2:30 pm
1:00 pm – 2:30 pm
In Person
Ages 9-12
Joan Horvath and Rich Cameron

Course Description:
Do you want to learn how to combine LEGOs and Scratch programming to make robots? Students will learn to program LEGO Mindstorms EV3 robots with the widely-used Scratch visual programming language and assemble appropriate combinations of motors and mechanisms to complete different challenges. We will explore how robots work, and ways to use the mechanisms available to perform tasks. Students will be doing directed builds to create robots to compete in class challenges (like capturing a goal piece and moving it to a target). Initially the builds will be completely defined, and students will follow step-by-step directions, and as the class progresses there will be more opportunities to meet the challenges with the students’ own solutions. Some experience with visual programming will be helpful but is not required; however minimal keyboarding skills are necessary.

MATERIALS REQUIRED: A $15 materials fee is required.

Stop Motion Animation
3:00 pm – 4:30 pm
3:00 pm – 4:30 pm
In Person
Ages 9-12
Kathleen Caine

Course Description:
New and returning stop motion animators are welcome to join! Dive into the core elements of storytelling through the lens of stop-motion animation. Engage in a series of hands-on exercises, allowing students to craft narratives and bring their ideas to life through the creation of their own animated shorts. Participants will undergo the process of storyboarding while developing characters and scenery, ultimately leading to the production of their personalized animation. Join us in this creative journey to become 21st-century storytellers!

MATERIALS REQUIRED: A $40 materials fee is required.

Ages 11-14
Ages 11-14
Science Media Studio
9:00 am – 10:30 am
9:00 am – 10:30 am
In Person
Ages 11-14
Summer Ebs

Course Description
Science on set! This hands-on course will combine science and entertainment as students work on their very own science videos. Ranging from instructional videos to demonstrations, students will learn scientific techniques and methods in physics, biology, and chemistry with a lens on how to present information for a wide audience. They’ll write, direct, and edit their own videos to demonstrate what they’ve learned.

Crime Scenes and Storylines: Forensic Science in Literature
11:00 am – 12:30 pm
11:00 am – 12:30 pm
In Person
Ages 11-14
Kathleen Caine

Course Description:
Grab a magnifying glass and get ready to dust for fingerprints because we’ll be doing more than just reading in this language arts and forensic science course. In addition to reading and analyzing captivating mystery stories, students will explore the art of forensics and code-breaking techniques featured in these tales. We’ll hone our observation and deductive reasoning skills through DNA extraction with gel electrophoresis, ink chromatography, handwriting analysis, and more. By examining clues and solving puzzles, students will develop critical thinking and analytical skills. Throughout the course, students will also craft their own short mysteries. Join us to unravel mysteries and unleash your inner detective and writer!

MATERIALS REQUIRED: A $25 materials fee is required.

Environmental Justice
1:00 pm – 2:30 pm
1:00 pm – 2:30 pm
In Person
Ages 11-14
Summer Ebs

Course Description
This course provides a comprehensive exploration of climate change, focusing on the diverse impacts and potential solutions through multiple perspectives. Students will investigate environmental issues through three critical lenses—economic, sociocultural, and ecological—to develop a holistic understanding of the factors driving climate change and the strategies needed to address it. Students will engage in critical discussions, case studies, and practical projects to propose innovative local and global solutions for reducing greenhouse gas emissions and removing excess carbon from the atmosphere.

Electronic Wizardry
3:00 pm – 4:30 pm
3:00 pm – 4:30 pm
In Person
Ages 11-14
Joan Horvath and Rich Cameron

Course Description
Do you want to learn how to use basic electronics to create wizarding tools, like an animal familiar or a wand that lights up in response to what it senses? This course will teach you how to use the Micro:bit, a specialized microprocessor that has sensors to detect acceleration, sound, light, and more, and the ability to light up patterns on a small display. The students will build several different projects around their Micro:bit during the course, including one that has a part that moves, one that lights up, and perhaps some efforts to make projects communicate with each other or work in tandem. Some programming background (in C, Python, Arduino, etc.) will be helpful but not absolutely required. Students may be asked to bring a hat, belt, fabric scraps etc. to enhance their creations. Mastery will be demonstrated by programming and testing these projects.

MATERIALS REQUIRED: A $40 materials fee is required.


Showing All
Instructor: Adela Lara
Instructor: Alex Romero
Instructor: Blanca Lopez-Gonzalez
Instructor: Cindy Andrade
Instructor: Joan Horvath and Rich Cameron
Instructor: Kathleen Caine
Instructor: Kristin Petherbridge
Instructor: Patrick McGrail
Instructor: Richard Krejcir
Instructor: Sareh Karimilangi
Instructor: Summer Ebs
Instructor: Tessa Lamb
Instructor: Thomas Zenteno
9 am
10 am
11 am
12 pm
1 pm
2 pm
3 pm
4 pm
5 pm
Ages 6-8
Ages 6-8
Page One: Creative Writing
9:00 am – 10:30 am
9:00 am – 10:30 am
In Person
Ages 6-8
Tessa Lamb

Course Description
Welcome to page one, where writing springs from imagination! This course will draw inspiration straight from the stories, poems, lyrics and even comic books that students love most. Through short reading and writing exercises, students will learn how word choice, syntax, rhythm and rhyme bring setting, characters and plot to life. Interactive games and creative projects will build skills and confidence through exploration, experimentation and play. Mastery will be demonstrated by the creation of a short written work in the student’s genre of choice, which illustrates independent thinking and progress in reading, writing, and verbal expression.

Algorithms for Beginners
11:00 am – 12:30 pm
11:00 am – 12:30 pm
In Person
Ages 6-8
Blanca Lopez-Gonzalez

Course Description
Algorithms are step-by-step descriptions of how to get from state A to state B using a certain set of resources. They are widely used in computer science and in bioinformatics, they frame research in psychology and in zoology, and they are what allows robots to move, search engines to search, and AIs to be autonomous. In this class, young learners will practice identifying algorithms in nature and in technology, and will be encouraged to think up their own algorithms to explain the world around them. Students will be taught early coding principles that do not require much reading, writing or typing, but that give them a solid base for future learning. By the end of the course, students will demonstrate their understanding by observing an animal or machine in action and describing its behavior step-by-step, either in a story or using pseudo-code.

MATERIALS REQUIRED: A $15 materials fee is required.

Creature Features: The Secret Lives of Animals
1:00 pm – 2:30 pm
1:00 pm – 2:30 pm
In Person
Ages 6-8
Summer Ebs

Course Description
Animals are living entire lives completely out of our view. They’re in caves, up in trees, down in the deep ocean, and burrowing deep underground. What are they up to? This course will examine the secret lives animals lead while no one is watching. Students will look at different features animals have evolved to have that allow them to lead these fascinating lives we rarely get to see.

Crafty Math
3:00 pm – 4:30 pm
3:00 pm – 4:30 pm
In Person
Ages 6-8
Kristin Petherbridge

Course Description
Crafty Math is a fun and hands-on course that makes learning math exciting and accessible for young learners through creative arts and crafts. By exploring essential math skills such as skip counting, shapes, symmetry, measurement, addition, subtraction, and basic geometry, students will develop a strong foundation in math while engaging in interactive and imaginative projects. This course not only reinforces key math concepts but also enhances fine motor skills, creativity, and problem-solving abilities, making math a joyful and meaningful experience.

MATERIALS REQUIRED: A $15 materials fee is required.

Ages 8-10
Ages 8-10
Physics of Roller Coaster Design
9:00 am – 10:30 am
9:00 am – 10:30 am
In Person
Ages 8-10
Blanca Lopez-Gonzalez

Course Description
The sit-down, stand-up, inverted, and pipeline are just a few types of roller coasters engineered to be exhilarating and terrifying all at once. But what brings riders back again and again? Students will explore the principles that make roller coasters so thrilling, including inertia, gravity, centripetal forces, and the conversion of potential to kinetic energy. By applying these laws to the analysis, design, and manufacture of rides, students will discover how material science has led to faster and more complex coasters over time, from the switchback of 1809 to Wonder Woman’s Golden Lasso in Six Flags Texas. Mastery will be demonstrated by students’ ability to analyze the motion of gravity-driven coasters and by the creation of models that illustrate concepts covered.

MATERIALS REQUIRED: This class requires a $30 materials fee.

Living on the Edge: Extreme Environments and Evolution
11:00 am – 12:30 pm
11:00 am – 12:30 pm
In person
Ages 8-10
Summer Ebs

Course Description
From the frigid Arctic tundra to deep inside the world’s largest caves, life not only exists but thrives. This course will explore how animals, plants, and all forms of life can survive in Earth’s most inhospitable environments. Students will learn about the amazing adaptations life has made to keep going. Students will also explore how evolution works and how it applies to these fascinating creatures.

From Script to Screen: Writing the Next Great Movie
1:00 pm – 2:30 pm
1:00 pm – 2:30 pm
In Person
Ages 8-10
Tessa Lamb

Course Description
Have you ever wondered what made The Incredibles, Frozen, and E.T. box office hits? Find out by creating your own original screenplay! Students in this class will be introduced to the 7 basic steps of writing a made-for-movie script, while exploring cinematic elements such as concept, conflict, and characterization to create a story that tells by showing. Through practicing techniques that guide dialogue and action, students will build confidence in their ability to express themselves in writing and, in the spirit of adventure and fun, take part in ‘acting out’ scenes. Mastery will be demonstrated by the creation of a short-written screenplay, which illustrates independent thinking and progress in reading, writing, and verbal expression. Students will learn and apply ways to effectively use screenwriting techniques to guide dialogue and action.

Sail and Steam
3:00 pm – 4:30 pm
3:00 pm – 4:30 pm
In Person
Ages 8-10
Joan Horvath and Rich Cameron

Course Description
Technology changed the world very quickly in the second half of the 1800s. It was an era of larger commercial ventures and world-circling, fiercely competitive trade, heavily influenced by British “gunboat diplomacy.” The Age of Sail culminated in the speedy Clipper Ships, but steamships that were not as dependent on wind came on the scene. Railroad companies performed incredible feats of engineering in the American West, in part to get people to the California gold fields faster. The telegraph compressed the world in ways that presaged the internet of today. However, excesses abounded too, with many lives and fortunes lost along the way. Students will learn about these technologies by creating models in Tinkercad (for 3D printing) and craft materials. Then they will role-play advisors to actual industrialists and military leaders of the time, addressing issues like whether to convert fleets to new-fangled steam ships, where best to lay transcontinental railroad lines, and whether to convert their handcrafted goods factories to steam power. They will also have to consider the fallout of their actions in the context of the social upheavals of the Victorian and Gilded ages, and the US Civil War. Mastery will be demonstrated by being able to discuss and apply strategy and technology appropriate to the period.

MATERIALS REQUIRED: A $15 materials fee is required.

Ages 9-12
Ages 9-12
California's Nature: Mapping, Meteorology, and Mayhem
9:00 am – 10:30 am
9:00 am – 10:30 am
In Person
Ages 9-12
Summer Ebs

Course Description
Where can you swim at the beach, ski an alpine slope, raft down a river, and camp under a starry desert sky? In this class, students will discover what makes California’s geography, climate, and weather so diverse and appealing to its 39 million-plus residents. By charting California’s four distinct geographical regions and the critical role that water plays in shaping the mountains, deserts, valleys, and coastlines , students will build key vocabulary related to topographical features, geologic processes, and weather patterns unique to places like the Salton Sea, where both human and natural forces impact landscape and livability. Get ready for all that California’s beaches, cliffs, lava beds, valleys, waterfalls, and dunes can teach! Students will demonstrate their knowledge in a comprehensive final project where they present the history, a model of the topography, and the impact of water, weather, and humans on a particular geographical region of California.

MATERIALS REQUIRED: A $10 materials fee is required.

Puzzle Room Design
11:00 am – 12:30 pm
11:00 am – 12:30 pm
In Person
Ages 9-12
Kathleen Caine

Course Description
Create an escape room experience free from the constraints of locked doors! We’ll delve into the challenge of opening a locked box through mental prowess. Participants will explore the core elements of puzzles, mastering the art of adjusting difficulty levels and strategically layering clues to construct intricate enigmas. Rooted in a theme of their choosing, students will design their own puzzle room, weaving together a tapestry of enigmatic riddles. Can your friends piece together your clues and crack your codes? Uncover the answer in this class that will have everyone doing mental gymnastics.

MATERIALS REQUIRED:A $40 materials fee is required for the purchase of a custom-built, take-home lockbox with limitless puzzling potential.

Creative Coding with Python Turtle Graphics
1:00 pm – 2:30 pm
1:00 pm – 2:30 pm
In Person
Ages 9-12
Blanca Lopez-Gonzalez

Course Description
Unlock your creativity and learn the fundamentals of programming in Python through an engaging and interactive experience! This course will use the Python Turtle Sandbox and is designed for students who are interested in learning text coding and exploring the world of computer graphics. Through the Turtle graphics library, they will discover how to use code to create beautiful, intricate designs, patterns, and animations. Students will learn to type their own code to gain a solid understanding of Python syntax and programming concepts, including loops, functions, and conditional statements. Each student’s code will generate lines, shapes, patterns, and fractals only limited by their own imaginations! The creations will come to life through experimentation with colors, digital pens, animation, and other graphical elements.

Widgets and Gadgets
3:00 pm – 4:30 pm
3:00 pm – 4:30 pm
In Person
Ages 9-12
Richard Krejcir

Course Description
We live in a world where we are surrounded by electronics. Electronic circuits are present in nearly everything daily interaction: cars, cell phones, computers, and even toasters. This course will instruct students in the fundamentals of electronic circuit design and function. Components such as resistors, power sources, bulbs, wires, switches, motors, capacitors, and transistors will be explained and used in device creation. Students will have the opportunity to build many simple circuits, increasing in complexity and function as the course progresses, and will examine how these circuits are used to make the widgets and gadgets that we use in our everyday lives.

MATERIALS REQUIRED: A $25 materials fee is required.

Ages 11-14
Ages 11-14
Electrifying Creations
9:00 am – 10:30 am
9:00 am – 10:30 am
In Person
Ages 11-14
Kathleen Caine

Course Description
Electrifying Creations is an engaging and hands-on course that explores the world of electronics and creativity. Through the use of motors, sensors, and LEDs, participants will embark on a journey to construct mesmerizing moving and light-up projects. The course begins with a set of guided projects, allowing learners to familiarize themselves with the fundamentals of circuits. They will then unleash their imagination to design personalized creations.

MATERIALS REQUIRED: A $30 materials fee is required.

The Power of Speech and Debate
11:00 am – 12:30 pm
11:00 am – 12:30 pm
In Person
Ages 11-14
Tessa Lamb

Course Description
This course is for students who desire to express themselves effectively and confidently in any situation, socially or academically. Throughout the course, students will develop and improve their critical-thinking, public speaking, and argumentative skills through participation in speeches and debates. They will explore and research a variety of formats, including educational and persuasive speeches, Lincoln-Douglas debate, cross-examination, and academic debate. In addition, students will develop their ability to critique, analyze, and question speeches and debates delivered by others. They will apply this knowledge to develop and present an independent speech and participate in group debates. Topic matter for speeches and debates throughout the course will be selected by students.

First Contact
1:00 pm – 2:30 pm
1:00 pm – 2:30 pm
In Person
Ages 11-14
Joan Horvath & Rich Cameron

Course Description
What would you do if you and your scientific team were tasked with communicating with beings from another planet? Alternatively, what would you do if you and your alien community were suddenly visited by a group of curious, inquiring humans? This role-playing course will give students background in the engineering and science needed to work their way through various first-contact scenarios. Aliens and humans will have to decide whether to cooperate or clash — but only once they’ve learned how to communicate with each other! Students must be active independently and in teams to problem-solve how to anticipate the actions of intelligences very unlike their own. Students will learn the simple design program Tinkercad to mockup 3D designs of aliens, interstellar starships, extraterrestrial habitats and more. Student-designed 3D models will be printed at IEA’s Learning Center.

Epidemiology: Plagues & Pandemics
3:00 pm – 4:30 pm
3:00 pm – 4:30 pm
In Person
Ages 11-14
Summer Ebs

Course Description
One of the many things all humans have in common is their susceptibility to disease. All over the world and throughout history plagues and pandemics have affected large populations, sometimes irrevocably. This course will study what causes these diseases, how they spread, the effects they had, and how we can better be prepared for future outbreaks.

MATERIALS REQUIRED: A $10 materials fee is required.


Showing All
Instructor: Adela Lara
Instructor: Alex Romero
Instructor: Blanca Lopez-Gonzalez
Instructor: Cindy Andrade
Instructor: Joan Horvath and Rich Cameron
Instructor: Kathleen Caine
Instructor: Kristin Petherbridge
Instructor: Patrick McGrail
Instructor: Richard Krejcir
Instructor: Sareh Karimilangi
Instructor: Summer Ebs
Instructor: Tessa Lamb
Instructor: Thomas Zenteno
9 am
10 am
11 am
12 pm
1 pm
2 pm
3 pm
4 pm
5 pm
Ages 6-8
Ages 6-8
STEM Building
9:00 am – 10:30 am
9:00 am – 10:30 am
In Person
Ages 6-8
Blanca Lopez-Gonazalez

Course Description
This course will allow students to draw conclusions about complex physics concepts by designing, building, and testing structures according to many different challenges. For example, students will learn about aerodynamics by comparing paper airplane designs, acceleration and air resistance by measuring the drop time for various parachute designs, and momentum by building a structure to protect an egg from a two-story fall. This course will allow students to not only hone their math and engineering skills, but also to channel their creativity and practice collaboration and teamwork.

MATERIALS REQUIRED: A $10 materials fee is required.

Robotics: Get Rolling!
11:00 am – 12:30 pm
11:00 am – 12:30 pm
In Person
Ages 6-8
Blanca Lopez-Gonzalez

Course Description
Both new and returning Sphero robot programmers are welcome to join this course! As in the first Get Rolling course, students will use block-based coding to drive their Sphero Mini robots and tackle a variety of new challenges. Students who already have experience with coding will have the opportunity to hone their skills and move onto text coding with their Sphero Minis, if they’re ready to level up! Whether new or experienced, everyone will use their complex thinking, cooperation, and problem-solving skills to complete fun challenges with varying levels of difficulty.

MATERIALS REQUIRED: A $55 materials fee is required for the purchase of a Sphero Mini robot that students will take home at the end of the course. If students use their own Sphero Mini from a previous course, the materials fee will be waived.

The Plot Thickens: Mystery Language Arts
1:00 pm – 2:30 pm
1:00 pm – 2:30 pm
In Person
Ages 6-8
Tessa Lamb

Course Description
Suspense, excitement, action, and adventure! In this course, students will learn about the captivating world of the mystery genre. Through role-playing activities, students will step into the shoes of characters as they learn about the components of mysteries and explore a diverse range of thrilling tales, search for hidden clues, and adopt the analytical mindset of detectives. Collaboratively, they will also craft their own mysteries, complete with a crime, intriguing suspects, cleverly placed clues, and a satisfying solution. Join us as we embark on the quest to narrow down a list of suspects, uncover the truth behind the mysteries, solve the puzzle, and discover “whodunit!”

Earth Alive
3:00 pm – 4:30 pm
3:00 pm – 4:30 pm
In Person
Ages 6-8
Richard Krejcir

Course Description
Have you ever wondered why Earth is so different today than it was millions of years ago? In this class, students will explore Earth as a dynamic and living planet as they conduct lab experiments and fun activities that investigate questions spanning geologic time, from the emergence of life on the earliest Earth, to its occurrence in weird, wonderful, and extreme environments today. From geology and biology to the in-between of geobiology, students will discover how natural forces and humans impact the Earth’s landscape and livability, including some of the greatest examples right here in California!

MATERIALS REQUIRED: A $25 materials fee is required.

Ages 8-10
Ages 8-10
Game Design with Scratch
9:00 am – 10:30 am
9:00 am – 10:30 am
In Person
Ages 8-10
Cindy Andrade

Course Description
Ready, set, code! In this creative course, students will learn how to design and build their very own digital games using Scratch, a beginner-friendly coding platform. They’ll design characters, create exciting backgrounds, use animations, and bring their ideas to life while developing coding skills. By the end of the course, students will have their own playable games to share with friends and family.

Volcanology and Seismology
11:00 am – 12:30 pm
11:00 am – 12:30 pm
In Person
Ages 8-10
Sareh Karimilangi

Course Description
Volcanos are one of the most awe-inspiring natural features on earth. Earthquakes are one of most mysterious and fear-inspiring natural disasters. And these two forces are related! This course will dive deep into exploring all things volcanos and earthquakes. The students will learn how volcanos form, how they erupt, and the impact volcanos can have on our planet. They’ll also explore tectonic plates and the movement of the earth below us and how these forces combine to create volcanic eruptions.

Bridges and Towers
1:00 pm – 2:30 pm
1:00 pm – 2:30 pm
In Person
Ages 8-10
Blanca Lopez-Gonzalez

Course Description
In this class, students will learn about different types of bridges and towers through a series of engaging building challenges. They’ll gain valuable insights into structural integrity, problem-solving, and adaptability as they evaluate the outcome of each design. What worked well, and what didn’t? What insights can be drawn from the experience to make the next challenge even more successful? Whether you aspire to be an engineer, architect, or simply love hands-on learning, this class will broaden your horizons and shape your perspective on design and innovation.

MATERIALS REQUIRED: A $25 materials fee is required.

Biomimicry Design
3:00 pm – 4:30 pm
3:00 pm – 4:30 pm
In Person
Ages 8-10
Sareh Karimilangi

Course Description
Mother Nature is the ultimate architect and a powerful source of inspiration for anyone with an interest in architecture and design. In this class, students will study the dwellings of birds, insects, reptiles and mammals to rethink and reconsider design structures for humans. A focus on three essential elements – Emulation, Ethos, and Reconnection – will encourage students to translate the elegance of natural structures to solve uniquely human design challenges. Grab your sketchbook, modeling materials, and get ready to design and build with nature as your guide!

MATERIALS REQUIRED: A $20 materials fee is required.

Ages 9-12
Ages 9-12
Cryptography: Math Puzzles & Enigmas
9:00 am – 10:30 am
9:00 am – 10:30 am
In Person
Ages 9-12
Alex Romero

Course Description
This course explores cryptographic principles, mathematical reasoning, and logical problem-solving. Students will develop critical thinking and analytical skills by investigating encryption techniques, deciphering complex ciphers, and tackling mathematically rich logic puzzles. Through problem-solving, strategic brain games, and the application of number theory, combinatorics, and algebra, students will uncover the mathematical structures underlying cryptographic systems. Additionally, they will design and analyze their own mathematical challenges, refining their ability to recognize patterns, construct logical arguments, and think algorithmically. This course fosters both creative and precise mathematical thought, demonstrating the interplay between mathematics, cryptography, and intellectual discovery.

The Writer’s Studio: Short Stories
11:00 am – 12:30 pm
11:00 am – 12:30 pm
In Person
Ages 9-12
Tessa Lamb

Course Description
In this installment of Academy’s Writer’s Studio series, we will delve into writing short stories. Focusing not only on the basic elements of short story writing such as themes and plot, students will also explore different methods and genres toward writing their short stories. Through a combination of guided writing exercises and peer feedback, students will write, revise, and refine multiple short stories. The course will allow the student the freedom to use their imagination to create complete short stories to have forever!

Coming soon
1:00 pm – 2:30 pm
1:00 pm – 2:30 pm
In Person
Ages 9-12
Coming soon

Course Description
Coming soon

Mock Trial
3:00 pm – 4:30 pm
3:00 pm – 4:30 pm
In Person
Ages 9-12
Tessa Lamb

Course Description
What’s the verdict: are you ready to fill the roles of prosecution, defense, judge, and jury all in one course? Students will have the opportunity to simulate trials in order to experience the United States’ justice system, organize facts to draw conclusions, learn about trial strategies, and develop the persuasive argumentation skills of a good lawyer. Students will demonstrate knowledge through strong questioning and deliberation skills as well as a comprehensive understanding of the court system structure.

Ages 11-14
Ages 11-14
Genetics: A Splice of Life
9:00 am – 10:30 am
9:00 am – 10:30 am
In Person
Ages 11-14
Sareh Karimilangi

Course Description
This class will provide students with knowledge of genetics through an overview of the history of the study of inheritance, a discussion of the origins of genetic variation and diversity, DNA replication mechanisms, and real-life applications. Students will also learn about the mutations in the human genome that cause genetic disorders. Finally, we will discuss the development of genetic techniques, such as sequencing and genetic engineering, and its role in scientific research and modern medicine. Mastery will be demonstrated by accurate predictions and conclusions based on genetic data, fluency in genetic terminology and pathologies, and an understanding of both the positive implications and potential problems associated with genetic engineering techniques. Pre-requisites: Students must be comfortable with higher levels of probability math problems and general knowledge of DNA as the mechanism for inheritance.

Web Development
11:00 am – 12:30 pm
11:00 am – 12:30 pm
In Person
Ages 11-14
Cindy Andrade

Course Description
Want to bring your ideas to life on the web? From designing beautiful layouts to making buttons click and animations pop, students will gain experience building real-world websites. As they develop fluency in HTML and CSS, each student will create a single-page About Me website to share with their classmates. Then, to hone their skills with JavaScript, they will build an interactive quiz or choose-your-own-adventure website, leaving with the confidence and experience to start their journey as a web wizard!

1:00 pm – 2:30 pm
1:00 pm – 2:30 pm
In Person
Ages 11-14
Sareh Karimilangi

Course Description
The term “geobiologist” can mean many things in today’s changing scientific landscape, yet one thing remains true: geobiologists seek to connect the historical narratives of solid, liquid, and gaseous earth with the evolution of life. These relationships occur in both directions: earth shaping life, and life shaping earth. In this class, students will journey from the massively debated “beginning” of life on earth and weave a narrative through experimentation and scientific inquiry covering topics such as microbial evolution, atmospheric chemistry, isotopic biomarkers, and biologically-driven geologic processes.

MATERIALS REQUIRED: A $25 materials fee is required.

Coming soon
3:00 pm – 4:30 pm
3:00 pm – 4:30 pm
In Person
Ages 11-14
Coming soon

Course Description
Coming soon


Showing All
Instructor: Cynthia Molt
Instructor: Tessa Lamb
10 am
11 am
12 pm
1 pm
2 pm
3 pm
Session 1
Session 1
Fantastic Worlds: Creative Writing (online)
10:00 am – 11:00 am Pacific Time
Age Range
Ages 9-12
Tessa Lamb

Have you ever read a book and wished you could walk around in the world it created? From Harry Potter to Lord of the Rings to Star Wars, a great fantasy or sci-fi series can change even how we look at the real world around us. In this class, we’ll look at these series, figure out what makes them so engaging, and use those tools in our writing. Then, we’ll write our own parodies and spin-offs of our favorite stories and work on developing our own fantastic worlds. Finally, by learning writers’ secrets, we’ll learn how to banish writer’s-block, support our fellow authors, and bring people into our stories the same way the best fantasy authors do.

Mock Trial (online)
1:30 pm – 2:30 pm Pacific Time
Age Range
Ages 11-14
Tessa Lamb

What’s the verdict: are you ready to fill the roles of prosecution, defense, judge, and jury all in one course? Students will have the opportunity to simulate trials in order to experience the United States’ justice system, organize facts to draw conclusions, learn about trial strategies, and develop the persuasive argumentation skills of a good lawyer. Students will demonstrate knowledge through strong questioning and deliberation skills as well as a comprehensive understanding of the court system structure.

Session 2
Session 2
Governments Around the World: Systems & Impact (online)
10:00 am – 11:00 am Pacific Time
Age Range
Ages 11-14
Cynthia Molt

Course Description:
Have you ever wondered how countries like the United States operate with democratic elections, or how China functions under a one-party system? In this course, students will explore a variety of political systems, from the parliamentary democracy of the United Kingdom to the constitutional monarchy of Sweden.

Through lively discussions and thought-provoking projects, students will learn how different governments make decisions that affect their millions of citizens every day. We’ll compare the law-making processes in countries like India and Canada, and discover how these systems impact everyday life. By the end of this class, students will have a deeper understanding of global politics and what it means to be an active, informed citizen. Join us for this thrilling adventure into the world of governments and help shape the future!

Genre Exploration: Unleash Your Imagination! (online)
1:30 pm – 2:30 pm Pacific Time
Age Range
Ages 8-10
Cynthia Molt

Course Description:
Want to take your storytelling skills to the next level? Join our Genre Exploration online class and sharpen your writing craft! Each day, we’ll dive into different genres—whether it’s sci-fi adventures, illustrated books, or gripping short stories. You’ll develop fundamental writing skills like creating memorable characters, building compelling plots, and writing engaging dialogue.

Picture yourself crafting an epic space odyssey or a charming tale about a talking cat. Along the way, you’ll get constructive feedback from peers, refine your work through revision, and even explore the path to publication. By the end of the course, you’ll have a polished piece of writing that showcases your growth as a writer.

Ready to bring your stories to life? Join us and start writing!

Session 3
Session 3
Renewable Energy Challenge: Powering Our Future! (online)
10:00 am – 11:00 am Pacific Time
Age Range
Ages 8-10
Cynthia Molt

Course Description:
Are you ready to become an advocate for our planet? Join the “Renewable Energy Challenge,” where students explore exciting ways to harness clean energy and combat climate change! With wildfires, floods, tornadoes, hurricanes, and other climate-related disasters impacting our world, now is the perfect time to learn how renewable energy can make a difference.

In this hands-on online class, students will discover how to create energy from everyday resources like sunlight, wind, and even water. They’ll work on engaging projects such as building solar-powered gadgets, constructing wind turbines, and designing water wheels. Collaborating with fellow young inventors, they’ll tackle real-world challenges and brainstorm innovative solutions. By the end of the course, students will not only be empowered with knowledge but also ready to share their ideas for a greener future. Let’s spark change together and help create a sustainable world!

Simple Machines in Action: The Magic of Engineering (online)
1:30 pm – 2:30 pm Pacific Time
Age Range
Ages 6-8
Cynthia Molt

Course Description:
Get ready for a fun-filled adventure with simple machines! Have you ever wondered how a bicycle moves, how a toy car goes zooming across the floor, or how a heavy box gets lifted? In this exciting class, we’ll dive into the amazing world of simple machines and explore how they make our everyday lives easier!

Students will learn all about the six basic types of simple machines: levers, pulleys, inclined planes, wheels and axles, screws, and wedges. Through hands-on activities, interactive games, and fun videos, they’ll become innovative engineers! We’ll conduct cool experiments like building your own pulley system to lift toys, creating levers to see how they work, and using inclined planes to roll objects downhill. By the end of our course, students will be able to spot simple machines in action all around them! Join us and discover how these incredible inventions can make tasks easier and more fun.

To download a PDF version of the Summer Academy schedule, click below. 

To be notified when information about new Academy sessions becomes available, please sign up for our email list and indicate an interest in Academy.


In-Person Course: $450 for 15 hours of instruction

Online Course: $275 for 10 hours of instruction


Some additional materials fees and supply purchases may apply and will be listed in the course description.


  • Multiple course discount: $20 off for each additional course
  • Early bird discount: $20 off total tuition for enrolling by Monday, April 21, 2025
  • Sibling discount: $20 – Siblings enrolled in the same session will receive $20 off each student’s total tuition.
  • Referral discount: $20 off total tuition for both referred and referring families


We are pleased to be able to offer need-based tuition assistance. Families who would like to apply for tuition assistance must submit materials before each session in which they are enrolled. To make decisions in a fair and equitable manner, IEA Academy requires that new and returning families submit all of the following tuition assistance request materials to by Monday, May 19, 2025.

  1. A completed 2025 Financial Aid Request Form, including which classes your child will be taking. Please complete a Financial Aid Request Form for each child;
  2. A letter describing the circumstances that make tuition assistance necessary for your child(ren) to attend the Academy session to which they are applying;
  3. A copy of your most recent tax return. If parents/legal guardians file taxes separately, please include both tax returns.


Tuition may be paid by Visa, MasterCard, or check (made payable to Institute for Educational Advancement).

Once your child’s courses are finalized, their enrollment deposit invoice of $75 per course will be emailed to you. Enrollment deposits are non-refundable and non-transferrable should your child withdraw their enrollment prior to or after the first class meeting. The remaining tuition balance invoice, less the deposit amount and applied discounts, will be emailed to you after the first class meeting. There are no refunds for withdrawals after the second class meeting.

If you will be paying tuition in part or in full using charter school funds, please refer to the Charter Funds page for more information.

 IEA is an approved vendor with many charter schools, including:

  • Blue Ridge (part of Inspire Charter Schools)
  • Golden Valley
  • iLead
  • Sage Oak
  • Sky Mountain
  • Granite Mountain
  • Excel Academy
  • Suncoast


Academy is now offering extended care during the summer sessions! Families who would like to drop their students off as early as 8:00am and/or pick up as late as 5:30pm may now do so for an additional fee of $100 per 2-week summer session, per child. Though extended care students will be supervised at all times, no additional programming will be provided except for access to Academy’s books, games, and drawing materials. Outdoor play space may be available depending on weather.

Please register for extended care using this registration form and reach out to if your plans change. Families who do not register for extended care but are consistently more than 10 minutes late for pickup will be charged for extended care. If your child is not enrolled in a full day of Academy classes but you would like them to be onsite without you for more than 10 minutes before their first class or after their last class, please reach out to see what we can accommodate.

Full-Day Program

No additional fee

Morning Drop Off: 8:50-9:00am

Afternoon Pick Up: 4:30-4:40pm

Extended Care

$100 per 2-week session

Morning Drop Off: 8:00-9:00am

Afternoon Pick Up: 4:30-5:30pm


Session Dates: Monday, January 27 to Monday, April 28
(No classes Monday, February 17 for Presidents’ Day and March 31-April 5 for spring break.)
Early Bird Application Deadline: Monday, December 2, 2024
Final Application Deadline: Thursday, January 2, 2025

Schedule Archive

See our previous session’s course offerings

Mark Sixma