Academy Policies & Logistics


In preparation for the start of your Academy course(s) please make sure you look over the following information: 


If you have not already, please submit the MEDICAL FORMas soon as possible. This information helps our staff and teachers ensure a safe and successful experience at IEA. Note: If your child attended a previous session, and your insurance information has not changed, you do not need to upload your insurance card again when you submit your medical form. 

Additionally, please see below for important parent/guardian information and what to expect on the first day.  


  • Street parking is available in the surrounding neighborhood. Please be mindful of the parking signs and time limits.   
  • The parking lot in the back of the Learning Center is reserved for IEA Staff only.   


  • Students must be accompanied by an adult both entering and exiting the property when checking in and out of the Learning Center.    
  • Please arrive on time, giving yourself time to park and sign your child in and out with an IEA staff member.   
  • If you are running late, please call the IEA main office at (626) 403-8900. IEA staff will stay with your child until you arrive. 


  • Academy is a nut-free program. Please make sure that snacks and lunches do not contain nuts of any kind. 
  • Children bringing a sack lunch or snacks must NOTshare food as some of our children have severe allergies.   


  • Class materials for in-person classes will be provided by Academy.     
  • IEA Academy recommends that students leave their technological devices such as laptops or tablets at home unless otherwise requested by their instructor.   
  • No food or drinks (other than bottled water) are to be consumed in class. To reduce waste, please have your child bring their own labeled water bottle. 


If your child will be absent, please let us know by email at     


Enrollment deposits are non-refundable and non-transferrable should your child withdraw their enrollment prior to or after the first class meeting. 

  • The remaining tuition balance invoice, less the deposit amount and applied discounts, will be emailed during the first week of classes. 
  • Full refunds, minus the nonrefundable $75 deposit per class placement, will be issued to students who withdraw before the second class meeting.     
  • Refunds will not be issued for withdrawals after the second class meeting.



If your child is ill with a contagious or communicable illness, please keep them home. Students should not attend Academy if: 

  • they have a fever of 100.4°F or higher (following an illness, temperature should remain normal for 24 hours without fever-reducing medication before they return to Academy) 
  • they have vomited or had diarrhea within the previous 24 hours 
  • they have a sore throat or upset stomach 
  • they are coughing excessively, or their chest and nose are severely congested 
  • there are any signs of contagious infection such as pink eye, etc. 


If your child develops any of the symptoms described above while on-site for classes, we will call you to pick them up. We will always call a parent first but please make sure that you have filled out the MEDICAL FORM so that we have your additional Emergency Contacts on file.

If you have questions about your specific situation, please call an Academy Team member at 626-403-8900 or email 


Students can return to Academy when: 

  • They have been fever-free for at least 24 hours without fever-reducing medication AND; 
  • Symptoms are improving. 


When students return, it is strongly recommended that they mask indoors for 5 days, for the health and safety of everyone at Academy. 

  • If your child tests positive for Covid and is asymptomatic, we strongly recommend that they follow the masking guidelines above. 


We encourage students to wash their hands frequently and to properly cover their sneezes and coughs. Support from parents on reinforcing these behaviors at home is appreciated! 

We clean all high-touch surfaces frequently and have HEPA air filters running anytime classes are in session.  


The highest standards of behavior are expected from Academy students both in conduct and in dedication to academic pursuits. The Institute for Educational Advancement expects students to: 

  • Respect individuals of different races, cultures, religions, genders, abilities, and national origins. 
  • Come to Academy ready to do their best. 
  • Be kind, cooperative and responsible. 
  • Take responsibility for their own actions. 
  • Approach challenges and new things with an open mind. 
  • Respect people’s property and personal items. 
  • Respect rules and directions given by teachers and staff (or to question and discuss them in a respectful manner).


The following is a list of items students are prohibited from bringing to Academy: 

  • Weapons of any kind, or any toys that look like weapons 
  • Any flame-producing device (including matches, lighters and firecrackers) 
  • Pets of any kind 


Break time at Academy is tech-free. IEA typically provides all tech needed during class time, unless otherwise noted on the syllabus or in communication from the Academy team. Additionally, students may not use cell phones during class or break time. If they need to contact a parent, they may ask permission from a staff member to do so. 


As stated in the Academy application, we cannot accommodate students who are unable to adhere to the expectations set forth in the Code of Conduct. Violation of any of the policies may result in immediate dismissal. No refunds will be given if a student is dismissed from the Academy.

In addition, students may be dismissed from the Academy for the following reasons: 

  • Vandalism or theft 
  • Repeatedly engaging in disruptive behavior 
  • Leaving the premises unaccompanied by a staff member 
  • Being in restricted areas unaccompanied by a staff member 
  • Any violation of the safety or well-being of any person 

IEA Emergency Fund

The Institute for Educational Advancement has established a dedicated Emergency Fund to support families and staff affected by the recent [insert emergency here]. Please consider donating via the link below. We appreciate your support for the IEA Community at this time. 

A Message to our community

We are deeply heartbroken by the devastating fires impacting so many friends, families, and staff in Southern California. The health and safety of our community remain our top priority.

While our offices are outside of the evacuation zone, staff will be working remotely through Wednesday, January 15 as we continue to monitor the situation. We are staying in touch with staff and families affected by these fires.

We sincerely appreciate your support during this challenging time. If you need to reach us, please email us at

Thank you for your understanding and care. We’ll provide additional updates soon.