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Discovery Camp is the place to be for kids who love to get hands-on with science! Children will have a blast exploring topics such as paleontology, chemistry, astronomy, marine biology, and much more. Offered over school breaks all year, Discovery Camp is taught by trained scientists who use the resources of the museum to bring science to life in exciting, interactive ways!

PG Retreat is a community of families with profoundly gifted children and teens. PG Retreat helps to form connections and friendships, and to share resources and experience. PGR organizes the annual Retreat, informal local gatherings around the country, listservs, and web forums to support its members.

Kettering University offers camps and one-day workshops in both STEM and Business for students in 1st-12th grade. The camps focus on financial literacy, LEGO building, working in the medical profession, computer engineering, robotics, and more.

Precollegiate Programs is committed to enhancing the academic lives of individuals K-12 through offering programs on a collegiate campus. Each year, Precollegiate Programs offers academic programs that present unique learning experiences to help prepare students to become future college students. By offering programs on the University of Oklahoma campus, every student has the opportunity to see and experience what college life is like.

Throughout the school year, Precollegiate Programs offers a variety of programs for students attending elementary, middle, and high school in Oklahoma. These programs include: gifted and talented workshops, ACT and PSAT test preparation courses, Model United Nations workshops, and conferences.

Private Gifted Testing is an online resource of psychologists specializing in gifted testing. The site also offers a blog webpage on “Everything You Need to Know About Gifted Testing”.

Prodigy NW is based out of Spokane, WA and provides students, parents and educators access and awareness to a broad assortment of learning topics relating to giftedness in youth. Their goal is to seek out and identify gifted and talented youth from all ethnicities and socio-economic backgrounds.

Jerald Grobman, MD and Madelon Sann, LCSW specialize in working with the gifted individuals and their families through crisis management, comprehensive assessment and diagnosis, psychotherapy, and parent guidance. Though the center is located in New York City, its website includes abundant helpful resources including case studies, descriptions of common problems in giftedness, information about the assessment process, relevant articles and more.

The Renzulli Center for Creativity, Gifted Education, and Talent Development at the University of Connecticut is one of the leading centers in the world in the area of gifted education and talent development. Their mission is to promote enjoyment, engagement, and enthusiasm for learning in teachers and students at all levels of education through high-quality research and outreach on innovative teaching approaches.

Rice Psychology group is Tampa, Florida’s leading group of psychologists. They specialize in a complete range of Gifted Testing services that go beyond a one-time cookie-cutter test administration. They also offer executive functioning coaching, therapy, cognitive training, and diagnostic interviews.

The Halbert and Nancy Robinson Center for Young Scholars (RC) at the University of Washington is dedicated to teaching, research, and service, and to developing programs that serve highly capable young pre-college and college students. Through Early Entrance Programs (EEP), Transition Schools, enrichment and summer programming, RC provides intensive, in-depth learning experiences for gifted students in need of challenge. The Robinson Center for Young Scholars is located in Seattle, Washington, though out-of-state applicants can apply to UW Academy for early entrance.

The Russian School of Mathematics is an award-winning afterschool math enrichment program for K-12 students. Over 16 years, RSM has developed a unique accrediated math academy curriculum focused on developing core fundamentals and logical thinking. RSM offers a wide variety of programs for Elementary, Middle and High school students including summer school, overnight camp, tutoring, and online classes.

SAGE Center for Gifted is a families’ first step in securing needed guidance and direction for the decisions they need to make regarding the assessment, educational, and clinical support of their children when traditional processes are not their path. They offer consultation, assessment of giftedness and learning needs, educational services, psychotheraphy and occupational therpay, school placement guidance, and more. They are located throughout Colorado and Southern California.

Satori Camp allows students aged 12-18 to choose three mini-courses from a variety of offerings. Participants are introduced to a wide range of academic and special interest courses designed to develop a well-rounded individual. Each course is held for approximately two hours a day over the six days of camp. This continuity allows for in-depth exploration of subject material, active inquiry and discussion, and hands-on participation by students. While attending Satori, campers live on Eastern Washington University’s tree-shaded main campus in Cheney, Washington.

Saturday Academy offers enrichment classes and workshops throughout Oregon after school, on breaks, and on Saturdays. These courses, open to 4th-12th grade students, are challenging, engaging, hands-on and focused on STEM subjects.

The Saturday Conservatory of Music (SCM) was established to provide affordable, quality music instruction to children in the greater Los Angeles area, targeting children from low income families and the school trained musician.

Savannah Behavioral Pediatrics (SBP) offers comprehensive psychological assessment, psychoeducational evaluations, and developmental assessment. Among the evaluations they offer are: behavioral assessment to evaluate interfering behaviors, comprehensive specific learning disorder evaluations, and gifted and talented assessment to help tailor instruction.

IEA Emergency Fund

The Institute for Educational Advancement has established a dedicated Emergency Fund to support families and staff affected by the recent [insert emergency here]. Please consider donating via the link below. We appreciate your support for the IEA Community at this time. 

A Message to our community

We are deeply heartbroken by the devastating fires impacting so many friends, families, and staff in Southern California. The health and safety of our community remain our top priority.

While our offices are outside of the evacuation zone, staff will be working remotely through Wednesday, January 15 as we continue to monitor the situation. We are staying in touch with staff and families affected by these fires.

We sincerely appreciate your support during this challenging time. If you need to reach us, please email us at IEAGifted@educationaladvancement.org.

Thank you for your understanding and care. We’ll provide additional updates soon.