Academy: A Positive Note to End the Year
Thank you to our Academy community for your resilience during these difficult times
Everything You Want to Know About the Inner Workings of the Caroline D. Bradley Scholarship

IEA’s Bonnie Raskin, the Caroline D. Bradley Scholarship program director, relay’s the atypical schedule of the program
Featured California Schools for Gifted Learners

IEA’s Gifted Resource Center (GRC) contains over 800 resources for gifted learners of various ages, such as 10 gifted schools across California
Gifted Homeschooling Resources

Here are some gifted homeschooling resources and recommendations for the highly able learner
New Program Offerings for Gifted High School Students in Los Angeles

IEA is building on successful relationships with distinguished local researchers from Caltech, USC, and UCLA
IEA Autumn Benefit 2014
We couldn’t do it without you!