More Than Just A Workshop

IEA students, Cassidy Kao and Luke Gialanella, host student-led workshops about poetry and the presidential election process

Reflections on EXPLORE

Institute for Educational Advancement - Connecting bright minds; nurturing intellectual and personal growth

EXPLORE Extern, Mark Blekherman, recounts his detailed research on the origin and development of IEA

Successful Student Transitions

Institute for Educational Advancement - Connecting bright minds; nurturing intellectual and personal growth

2015 CDB Scholar, Malaina Kapoor, speaks upon the transition from traditional to innovative schools, along with its challenges and successes for gifted students

Bradley Seminar 2017

Every year, the Bradley Seminar brings together our national cohort of current CDB Scholars along with alumni, parents, educators, guest speakers and IEA staff for a weekend event where they can connect as a community

Mark Sixma