
Podcasts about Giftedness

Institute for Educational Advancement - Connecting bright minds; nurturing intellectual and personal growth

IEA lists podcasts geared towards gifted learners to assist parents and educators in supporting these bright young minds

Gifted on Screen

Looking for some other gifted characters in pop culture? Here are a few of my favorite movies and TV shows featuring gifted kids

Imagine the Possibilities

Earlier this month, a few IEA staff members attended the National Association for Gifted Children’s 63rd Annual Convention

Should My Gifted Child Skip a Grade?

At IEA, we believe every child has a unique set of needs, and whether or not grade acceleration is the right choice depends on the needs and personality of your child. And no one knows your child like you

Social Self-Esteem and Gifted Kids

Hopefully, with a little help and lots of patience, your gifted child will develop a healthy social self-esteem and be able to reach their full potential in all areas of life

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