
Us and Them

What happens when your affiliation creates a polarizing scenario? Or when you are on one side of a controversial issue?

Should My Gifted Child Skip a Grade?

At IEA, we believe every child has a unique set of needs, and whether or not grade acceleration is the right choice depends on the needs and personality of your child. And no one knows your child like you

Finding and Cultivating Your Voice

In a culture that has become image-obsessed, finding our real voices, understanding who we are and what we have to offer unto the world is essential

Gifted Community

What kind of community do you envision for gifted children and all children?

Social Self-Esteem and Gifted Kids

Hopefully, with a little help and lots of patience, your gifted child will develop a healthy social self-esteem and be able to reach their full potential in all areas of life

Loving Gifted Children

How do we help our loved ones – friends, family members, children, and students – cultivate their voices? By loving them