PRESS RELEASE: The Institute for Educational Advancement Receives Grants from Local Philanthropic Organizations to Expand Learning Facilities for Gifted Students

Funding will transform outdoor learning space at the organization’s Pasadena Learning Center
Why I loved Yunasa Camp: A Guest Blog by Cassie Kaplan

From longtime camper to camp counselor with Yunasa
Adulting Asymmetric: Picking a Path to Pursue

The challenge of professional direction in gifted kids
PRESS RELEASE: Pasadena Unified School District Engages The Institute for Educational Advancement to Support Gifted and Talented Education

Pasadena Unified School District (PUSD) has partnered with local nonprofit, the Institute for Educational Advancement (IEA), to deliver high-quality gifted and talented services for eligible students.
Tall Poppies

A college freshman at 15, Emily Murman’s TEDx Talk discusses her personal and educational experiences growing up profoundly gifted
The Caroline D. Bradley Scholarship Class of 2027

2027 Caroline D. Bradley (CDB) Scholars have been selected following rigorous application process
Myths and Realities of the Social and Emotional Development of Gifted Children

The many myths and realities surrounding gifted children
Growing Up Asymmetric: Entering the “Real World”

Giftedness does not just go away when you turn 18, but most resources for gifted
individuals do.
Planning for the School Year Ahead

Tips for meaningful engagement in gifted kids during the school year
How Can the United States Better Support Gifted Education?

Funding allocated specifically for gifted children remains only a small fraction of the federal budget