Press Release: The Institute for Educational Advancement Announces 29 Recipients for Nationwide High School Scholarship

Recipients of the Caroline D. Bradley Scholarship for the class of 2026 have been picked
Press Release: The Institute for Educational Advancement Seeks Gifted 7th Graders to Apply for Full Tuition High School Scholarship

The Caroline D. Bradley Scholarship for gifted students is now open for applications
28 Gifted Learners Receive Caroline D. Bradley Scholarship to Attend Optimally Matched High School Program
IEA announces the award recipients of the Caroline D. Bradley Scholarship (CDB) for the class of 2025
Announcing the 2024 Class of Caroline D. Bradley Scholars
IEA announces the winners of the 2024 Class for the Caroline D. Bradley Scholarship
Celebrating Heart & Fostering Hope: IEA’s 20th Anniversary Celebration
On February 9, 2019, IEA celebrated its 20th anniversary at the Annandale Golf Club with over 100 guests
Celebrating Heart, Fostering Hope: Honoring 20 Years of Work on Behalf of Gifted Children
On Saturday, February 9th, the Institute for Educational Advancement (IEA) will host an anniversary celebration fundraiser to mark 20 years serving gifted children
Announcing the 2018 Caroline D. Bradley Scholars!
The Institute for Educational Advancement has announced the 2018 class of award recipients of the Caroline D. Bradley Scholarship
2013 Bradley Seminar: Know Thyself
Reach out and support a bright young mind. Teach them to think. Help them embrace who they are and all that is possible
Imagine the Possibilities: 2012 Bradley Seminar
We have been given a gift of a country filled with bright young minds. Teach them to think. Help them embrace all that is possible