
Your Input Matters: Gifted Student and Parent Surveys

April 20, 2015

The Institute for Educational Advancement (IEA) is dedicated to providing and advocating for the most relevant and impactful programming for highly able students possible.  Your experience and feedback are critical to assisting us in supporting purposeful change in gifted programs and services. It is crucial for us to understand the decision-making process for both parents of bright children and students working through their academic career.

We would greatly appreciate you taking a few moments to complete the survey relevant to you. Participation is completely voluntary, and the survey should only take about ten minutes to complete.  All responses are confidential.

Parent Survey (closed)

Student Survey (closed)

This survey is being disseminated to families across the country. Please feel free to share these surveys with any other parents or gifted students you know. The valuable data collected will be analyzed and used to inform, not only IEA, but others who are eager to ensure our children have access to the most appropriate educational services to assist them in working toward their intellectual and personal potential.

Thank you so much for your time.

The IEA Team

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