The Caroline D. Bradley Scholarship Class of 2027

2027 Caroline D. Bradley (CDB) Scholars have been selected following rigorous application process
Everything You Want to Know About the Inner Workings of the Caroline D. Bradley Scholarship

IEA’s Bonnie Raskin, the Caroline D. Bradley Scholarship program director, relay’s the atypical schedule of the program
Announcing the 2017 Caroline D. Bradley Scholars!

The Institute for Educational Advancement (IEA) is excited to announce that 28 middle-schoolers from across the country have been named 2017 Caroline D. Bradley Scholars
Bradley Seminar 2017
Every year, the Bradley Seminar brings together our national cohort of current CDB Scholars along with alumni, parents, educators, guest speakers and IEA staff for a weekend event where they can connect as a community
Imagine the Impact 2015
Heartfelt thanks to the many guests who contributed to IEA’s 2015 fundraising efforts and for your continued feedback and support
College Expectations and Aspirations: From the Mouths of Gifted Students
At IEA, we hope that we are helping students pursue their dreams and accomplish their aspirations and that we help educators understand what they need to do so
2013 Bradley Seminar: Know Thyself
Reach out and support a bright young mind. Teach them to think. Help them embrace who they are and all that is possible