Growing Up Asymmetric: Entering the “Real World”

Giftedness does not just go away when you turn 18, but most resources for gifted
individuals do.
How IEA Helped Me Grow: A Reflection by Kaitlyn Chen

IEA’s Summer Programs Intern Kaitlyn Chen writes a reflection on her journey with IEA
An Open Letter to My Students Past, Present and Future

IEA’s Mallory Aldrich presents an open letter to her students past, present, and future
Book Review: “College at 13: Young, Gifted and Purposeful”
Razel Solow, Ph.D. and Celeste Rhodes, Ph.D. turn the chief criticism of early college entrance on its head in College at 13: Young, Gifted and Purposeful
College Expectations and Aspirations: From the Mouths of Gifted Students
At IEA, we hope that we are helping students pursue their dreams and accomplish their aspirations and that we help educators understand what they need to do so
“Parent Etiquette” During the High School and College Application Process

Here are some “etiquette” tips for parents during the high school and college application process
A 16 Year Old’s Guide to Colleges
That’s the funny thing about dreams. One almost always leads to the next
The College Road Trip
It’s the only fun part of the college application process: the college trip
Helpful or Over-Involved?
Have you struggled with the fine line between helpful and over-involved?
Liberal Arts vs. Research Universities for Science Students
What has your experience been with science programs at liberal arts or research universities?