The Joy of Giving

Donors are vital to the life of non-profits and make a positive difference in an organization they care about
STEAM Projects from Academy Students
How to get involved in IEA’s upcoming peer-to-peer STEAM-A-THON fundraiser
Why STEAM Education Is So Important Today

STEAM (and its forerunner STEM) is a critical component of 21st education
A Guide to Online Friendships

Guest post by CDB alumni Calder Hansen discusses how to navigate online friendships
Digital Civics: How IEA Spyglass Students are Advocating for Positive Change

IEA offers Digital Civics class to use technology in raising awareness for racial and social justice movements
3 Ways Parents Can Engage Gifted Students During the Holiday Break

Here are 3 ways that parents can help foster positive social and academic growth during the holiday break
10 Ways to Celebrate National STEAM Day!

Happy National STEAM Day this November 8th!
14 Summer Programs for Gifted Students

Read about some of the summer programs and resources in IEA’s database
IEA Academy Student and Yunasa Camper Wins Ventura County Science Fair
IEA student, Gabriel Fergesen, wins third place in Ventura County Fair and attends the state fair
Stopping by Woods on a [Sunny] Evening
Oh, to be a Yunasa camper! And to stop by woods – lovely, [light] and deep – for a week on end