Ten Websites for Gifted Kids

August 8, 2017

We asked our community what websites they recommend for gifted kids. Here’s what they had to say!

“Byrdseed is all about better understanding our gifted learners. Stick around and you’ll learn how to differentiate lessons, teach across the content areas, and appreciate gifted kids’ unique social and emotional needs.”

Vi Hart
“I am Vi Hart! I am a real person, and I make videos and virtual reality and other things. Sorry about the bright yellow. It amuses me. This is my personal website, not some ‘Vi Hart brand Websperience’ created for your enjoyment or education or whatever.”

“BASIC-256 is an easy to use version of BASIC designed to teach anybody (especially middle and high-school students) the basics of computer programming. It uses traditional control structures like gosub, for/next, and goto, which helps kids easily see how program flow-control works. It has a built-in graphics mode which lets them draw pictures on screen in minutes, and a set of detailed, easy-to-follow tutorials that introduce programming concepts through fun exercises.”

The Kid Should See This
“The Kid Should See This™ is a growing library of smart & super-cool, ‘not-made-for-kids, but perfect for them’ videos that can be watched in the classroom or together at home. Enjoy 8-12 new vids each week, and search 3,000+ videos in the archives, curated by me, Rion Nakaya, with help from my 6 & 9 year olds.”

“TED-Ed is TED’s youth and education initiative. TED-Ed’s mission is to spark and celebrate the ideas of teachers and students around the world.”

The How the human brain works series was specifically recommended.

Atlas Obscura
“In an age where everything seems to have been explored and there is nothing new to be found, we celebrate a different way of looking at the world. If you’re searching for miniature cities, glass flowers, books bound in human skin, gigantic flaming holes in the ground, bone churches, balancing pagodas, or homes built entirely out of paper, the Atlas Obscura is where you’ll find them.”

Science Friday
“Covering the outer reaches of space to the tiniest microbes in our bodies, Science Friday is the source for entertaining and educational stories about science, technology, and other cool stuff.”

The School of Life
“The School of Life is a place that tries to answer the great questions of life. We believe in developing emotional intelligence. We are based online and in 12 physical hubs around the world, including London, Melbourne, Istanbul and Seoul.”

Mensa for Kids
“Mensa for Kids offers a variety of online resources for exceptionally bright youth.”

Hoagies’ Gifted Education Page
“Giftedness: Everything parents, educators, administrators, counselors, psychologists, and gifted children & teens need to know, including articles and research.”

What would you add to the list?

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Mark Sixma