
Virtual Learning Lab: Mathematical Poetry-Fibonacci Numbers and Sequences by Cassidy Kao

April 2, 2020

This is the first part of a series of new poetry workshops, pairing up math and poetry. In this video, Cassidy Kao will introduce Fibonacci Number and Sequence and two types of poems, the “Fib” and “Create Your Own Pattern” poems. At the end of the video, Cassidy will also teach you how to make a Fibonacci artwork!

This workshop is recommended for 1st to 6th graders.

Required Materials: Graph paper, markers or color pencils, a piece of yarn, scissors and glue.

About Cassidy: Cassidy is a published author of poetry books and the founder of a nonprofit organization, iPoetTree. Her mission is to inspire young children to love writing through poetry. She offers free poetry workshops to children from kindergarten to sixth grade in the community and wherever she travels to. Cassidy has many varied interests, from writing poetry to playing the piano to learning about rocks and minerals. But when you ask her what her favorite subject is, she says it’s math! In her spare time, Cassidy is an avid reader and enjoys hanging out with her friends to shoot silly homemade movies. She is excited to share her love of poetry with others and hopes to inspire more kids to create their own poetic masterpieces.

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