

May 21, 2022

By Nancy Kane

As the weather warms up, things open up, and summer vacation quickly approaches, I thought I would check in with a teacher to find out her summer tips for parents of 2E children. These recommendations are designed to help make returning to school in the fall smoother, make good use of your children’s time, and relax and enjoy your child.

  1. Maintain the same routines and structures around their day as they would during the school year. Wake up, go to bed, and eat meals at regular times that are the same or close to what they do during the school year.
  2. Just because school is out doesn’t mean learning has to stop. Check-in with your local library and join their summer reading program. IEA’s Academy is still taking applications for summer 2022! Join us online or in-person with advanced enrichment classes. IEA Academy – Summer 2022
  3. Schedule time for outdoor activities, as well as regular, structured indoor and outdoor time.
  4. Volunteer! Many organizations are looking for student volunteers. Check-in with your local nonprofits to see how you and your child can get involved. IEA is always looking for parent volunteers. If interested, click here.
  5. Have fun – play, visit family and friends, and allow for downtime.

Have tips of your own that work? We would love to hear from you! Share your recommendations in the comments.

Have a fantastic summer!

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