planned giving

Leave a Legacy - Be a part of a bright future for gifted and talented youth  

A planned gift, such as a bequest, allows you to leave a lasting legacy of support for IEA and its mission to serve gifted youth for generations to come. Gift planning choices can also present practical options for safeguarding your financial security and realizing tax advantages. Donors who include IEA in their estate plans perpetuate their commitment to IEA and its mission of helping each gifted child thrive and reach for their full academic and personal potential.

There are a number of ways to include IEA in your estate plans such as: 

  • Making a bequest to IEA in your will or revocable trust 

Sample Bequest Language: 

I give, devise and bequeath to the Institute for Educational Advancement, a nonprofit organization located in Pasadena, CA, or its successor in interest, a percentage ____% of the rest, residue, and remainder of my estate OR a specific amount $________, as an unrestricted gift to be used for the general purposes of the Institute for Educational Advancement. 

  • Designating IEA as a beneficiary of your IRA, 401K, or other qualified retirement plan 
  • Naming IEA as a beneficiary of a life insurance policy 
  • Establishing a life income plan

If you include IEA in your plans, please use our legal name and federal tax ID: 

Legal Name: Institute for Educational Advancement 

Address: 569 S. Marengo Ave., Pasadena, CA 91101 

Federal Tax ID Number: 95-4695698 

Please allow us to express our gratitude by letting us know if you have included a gift to IEA in your future plans. Complete and return this form to inform us about your Estate gift plan.

For more information about making a lasting contribution to IEA, please contact Jane Laudeman, Development Director at (626) 403-8900 or 

Mark Sixma