
Just Released: America Agrees: Public Attitudes Towards Gifted Education

March 19, 2019

The Institute for Educational Advancement (IEA) is excited to announce the release of the full results of IEA’s poll of voters about gifted learners, the first of its kind. America Agrees: Public Attitudes Towards Gifted Education details the full results of IEA’s poll of voters’ opinions about gifted learners.

As a part of IEA’s effort to advance the cause of gifted students nationwide, IEA commissioned the first ever national survey assessing the American public’s views on gifted education. The summary covers the results of a national survey, completed in 2016, that sought to understand the public’s perception of gifted students in the United States. This poll was designed in collaboration with leaders in the field of gifted education, including the National Association for Gifted Children, and conducted by Benenson Strategy Group and The Winston Group.

“We are seeing overwhelming support for funding and resources to ensure that our brightest students’ minds are nurtured and supported, which hasn’t always been the case in the past,” said Elizabeth D. Jones, President & Co-Founder of IEA. “As a community, we are committed to advocating for what the public wants: helping our highest potential students succeed.”

The poll report contains helpful information about the state of gifted education in the U.S. and details recommendations for how to communicate about gifted students and advocate for this cause. The goal of this document is to provide a tool for the gifted community, families, teachers and professionals alike to use when advocating for these unique learners.

The poll report was written by Jones and Dr. Shelagh A. Gallagher. The authors will be hosting a webinar presenting the results and answering viewer questions on March 26th at 11 a.m. PST/2 p.m. EST. The webinar is free and open to the public.

Additional contributors include: Alan Arkotov of University of Southern California, Dr. Jim Delisle, René Islas formerly of National Association for Gifted Children, Michael Petrilli & Chester Finn of Thomas B. Fordham Institute, Ann Smith of Gifted Support Center, Dr. Amy Shelton of Johns Hopkins Center for Talented Youth and Adam Umhoefer of American Foundation for Equal Rights.

The release of the full results was preceded by a poll summary, Public Attitudes Towards Gifted Education, released in August 2018. This document contains highlights from the results of the poll.

Read the full report.

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